A sneak-peek of our rebranding

Why we're rebranding - and what we'll have to do to get there
By Team member, 20/01/2017
1 minute read

Earlier this month we announced that we would be rebranding, and we talked all about why we were doing this. We're almost finished with this now and just tying up some final loose ends. We will be switching over to the new branding and identity on Wednesday of next week but we wanted to give you a preview here.

What goes into a brand?

With this rebranding we wanted to do two things:

  • Really flesh out what we stand for
  • Create a visual identity which would translate across all our platforms

When you start a company, things like how you express yourself as a brand seem obvious (and sometimes unimportant). However, as the company grows it becomes increasingly important to have a formalised brand identity.

visual guidelines

As a brand we wanted to convey that with Cuvva you can get insurance fast, and that it is tailored to you. That we're a dynamic brand in an antiquated industry. These new definitions have been partnered with a new font, Futura, and refined colour scheme.

colour scheme

Finally, we have also changed (more like updated) our logo. Which we feel fits very well with our new identity and also an evolution of our umbrella logo.

Cuvva logo

This new framework will allow us create a visual identity which is consistent across all our platforms. Currently our website, app, and adverts all have a slightly different look and feel. From now we will be able to create a harmonious experience where user who downloads the Cuvva app from the website will be greeted with the same look and feel when they open the app rather than something slightly different.

We will be rolling out our new identity next week starting with a new website which you can see a preview of below.

Website screenshot

That's all from us this week but it would great to hear your feedback via the in-app chat.

Team member