New iPhone, new iOS design

In this post, we're showing off our fancy new iOS designs.
By Team member, 03/11/2017
2 minutes read

If you're an Apple fan, you no doubt watched, breath held, as they announced a new "all screen" iPhone X with Face ID. If you're also a Cuvva fan, you'll be excited to learn that we've released a shiny new version of Cuvva made with your new iPhone X in mind - with top-notch design.

It's a whole new version of the app too; not just a few minor tweaks and a new colour scheme. We have listened to all the feedback from our users and made the app simpler to use as well as streamlining the quote process. In the new version it is easier to get the information you want, and to do the right thing first time.

We have rethought the way you fill in your information to create a smoother experience. Originally in the previous version, we required a bunch of information from you to be submitted in one go before you could get an estimate or a quote. Now we only ask for the information we need, when we need it. This means that once you tell us something we remember it and don't ask again; it's much more dynamic this way.

When most of our customers open the app they rarely need to change any of their details or administer any ongoing subscriptions; most want to get a quote as quickly as possible and then, if the price is reasonable, go on to purchase that policy. We therefore took out the tab bar as we felt it was unnecessary, and moved the options to change your details into the profile tab (now top-left). The main screen is now a list of active and previous policies, grouped by vehicle. You'll be able to open the app and get insured much faster now.

We pride ourselves on our customer service and we want to make sure we are there to help you if you ever have any questions or issues. With this as one of our main focuses for this redesign we have made sure the help chat icon is at the top right of every screen.

If you ever have any feedback just message in-app - we respond to everything you send us.

Team member