Meet Andy, our Chief Operating Officer

Andy, our COO, talks skiing, taxi insurance and the finer points of compliance.
By Team member, 12/12/2017
2 minutes read

What do you at Cuvva?

I am the Chief Operating Officer/ COO for Cuvva. You could split my work into 6 sections; Finance, HR, Legal, Customer Operations, compliance and Commercial relationships. I help and get involved in almost everything.😇

How did you get to do this?

Before Cuvva, I worked as an associate on the Barclays Techstars accelerator, supporting the 10 fintech companies that formed the 2016 cohort. They were all excellent but Cuvva was my favourite (obviously). It was a customer-oriented product that blew my mind; filling a gap in the market for which I was convinced there would be huge demand. I was the fourth person on the team and I needed no persuading to join!

Tell us something unexpected about you?

While studying at Newcastle for my degree in Philosophy I participated in a ski championship for the university team. I had gone to the Alps to party, but I landed up being asked to compete as we were neck and neck with Leeds for the overall championship. To my own enormous surprise, I landed up winning the 'Big Air' event!

What do you for fun?

As you might have guessed, I love to ski. I love all sports but mostly play football and wish I was better at surfing/kitesurfing. I occasionally play poker and attend live music. My guilty pleasure though is musicals, specifically 'Book of Mormon'.

What are you working on this week?

Mainly working on prep for December's board meeting. It is a big end of year review so there's plenty to do and I want it to go smoothly. Fingers crossed.

Who do you work with the most?

Mostly with Richard on compliance, Loren/Ryan on commercial relationships and marketing and Leo on customer operations and growing her team.

What are you excited on working on in the next few months?

Taxi. It's a massive market, and our tech makes sense for them. I believe this is another gap in the market where we can really make a difference for our customers.

What have you learned at your time at Cuvva?

I came to Cuvva feeling like i had a good handle on 'the world', having spent 5 years working in the Banking sector. I soon realised that there was a huge amount I didn't know about all things startup-related, and the rest. It was humbling and exciting in equal measure. I feel like I have a pretty good handle on things now but I love my job because I keep learning new things every day. 🙌

Team member