Temporary food delivery insurance for vans

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Why you need it
Types of van insurance

Whether you’re a full-time food delivery driver or you only do it a few hours a week as a gig economy side-hustle, the sector is booming.

However, it’s very important to note that traditional van insurance (as well as most standard temporary van insurance policies) will usually not cover you to deliver food in this way - and specialised cover is needed.

We’ll break down the differences between traditional van insurance, temporary van insurance, and temporary food delivery insurance for vans below, so you can make sure you’re completely covered 👇

Why do you need temporary food delivery insurance for vans?

With every Uber Eats download or Deliveroo order, the demand for delivery drivers, especially those driving vans, surges.

Yet, with this role comes great responsibility - and risk. The more time a driver is on the road, the more ‘risky’ it is to cover them - and with the added pressures that come with food delivery like time constraints or driving in unfamiliar areas, specialised cover is needed for van food delivery.

Traditional van insurance does include some business use - for example, carriage of own goods, which is essential for tradespeople transporting tools or goods for work. It may also include cover for travelling between multiple work sites.

Usually, however, standard van insurance does not cover hire and reward, which involves carrying goods (for example, food deliveries) or passengers for payment.

This means if you’re delivering food using a van, you’ll almost certainly need different insurance to standard annual or temporary van cover - although it’s worth double-checking what’s included in your usual policy.

Van maintenance tips 🚐
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Comparing different van insurance types

Let's dive deeper into the types of van insurance and how they cater to different needs, especially for those in the food delivery industry.

Temporary van insurance

Temporary van insurance (like Cuvva’s) provides a flexible and affordable solution for those who drive vans infrequently, with policies from 1 hour.

It’s ideal for occasional drivers or those using vans for sporadic projects, and is great for borrowing a van (or lending your own) with pay-as-you-go policies that begin instantly.

This insurance type, however, does not typically include hire and reward cover for food delivery - and is limited to Class 1 business and carriage of own goods use case.

Traditional annual van insurance

Traditional annual van insurance is a comprehensive solution for van owners who require consistent use of their vehicle throughout the year.

It not only covers standard risks like accidents, theft, and damage, but also covers some contents (although not usually tools) and use cases, like commuting, carrying your own goods, or driving between work sites.

However, annual van insurance isn’t a particularly flexible option in terms of borrowing a van or lending your own. It’s more suited for drivers who hit the road regularly.

Food delivery drivers need to sort out specialist van insurance
Food delivery drivers need to sort out specialist van insurance

Specialist temporary food delivery insurance for vans - ie hire and reward

This is temporary van insurance specifically designed for van drivers who deliver food. It combines the flexibility of short-term van insurance (like hourly or daily policies - more on this below) with bonus hire and reward cover essential for the delivery industry.

This specialisation makes it essential for drivers involved in food delivery, especially those on a part-time basis who can simply buy a policy for an evening if they want to hit the road to make some extra cash.

These temporary food delivery policies can’t be used without an underlying policy, though - so you can’t simply leave your van uninsured until you want to buy a short-term policy to go and deliver food.

These policies usually covers:

  • Damage to your van
  • Damage to others people’s vehicles or property
  • Injuries to yourself or others
  • Goods in transit, protecting against loss or damage up to a certain amount
  • Legal fees coverage in case of disputes related to your delivery work

Here’s a quick breakdown of the three insurance types discussed above:

Insurance type Policy length Best for Not suitable for
Traditional annual van insurance 1 year Frequent drivers; year-round use; commuting; driving between sites; carrying your own goods like tools Infrequent drivers; delivery of people or goods (including food deliveries) for payment; vans used for motor trading; recovery
Temporary van insurance 1 hour to 28 days Occasional drivers; borrowing or lending a van; moving home; short-term projects Frequent drivers; delivery of people or goods (including food deliveries) for payment; vans used for motor trading; recovery
Temporary food delivery insurance 1 hour to 28 days Food delivery; high and reward General non-delivery service driving
Hire and reward cover is essential for food delivery by van
Hire and reward cover is essential for food delivery by van
Van contents cover explained 🔨
Know what's covered and what's not. Find out more

Vehicle restrictions for food delivery van insurance

Before signing up to deliver food, it’s best to check the van you want to insure is eligible. This is because there are often restrictions on the type of van you want to cover, including:

  • Type of vehicle: Insurance may be limited to certain types of vans or commercial vehicles designed for delivery purposes.
  • Size and weight: There may be limitations on the size and maximum weight capacity of the vehicle to qualify for insurance.
  • Age and condition: Older vehicles or those in poor condition might not be eligible for coverage, as they pose a higher risk.
  • Van value: Insurers often only cover vehicles up to a certain value - £30,000 or £40,000, for example. Or they may restrict cover based on insurance groups instead

It's important to consult with insurance providers for their specific restrictions and ensure your vehicle complies with their guidelines.

Can I drive a van? 🚐
Check out the rules for driving a van - including licences and insurance. Read more.
Updated on 14th March 2024