Our Cuvva Stories

From time to time, the team here at HQ have found Cuvva useful in their own lives. Here are a few of their stories.
By Team member, 02/11/2018
2 minutes read

We love hearing about how our customers use Cuvva. From learning that one customer relied on Cuvva in an emergency to take his relative to the hospital, to hearing we helped make a family trip possible. Knowing how our hard work makes a difference however big or small to our customers' lives makes it all worth it.

So we thought we would share with you some of our own stories that we ourselves have created using Cuvva.

Sam's Airport Dash

Sam recently made a wonderful addition to our COps team. Before she even joined the team, Sam was a superuser, meaning she has bought more than 12 policies with us. 🎉 So when we decided to write this article we knew she would be the girl for the job when it came to Cuvva stories! Of all the times Sam has used us (and there have been A LOT) one time stood out most - the first.

Sam was a Cuvva user before an employee. Back in August this year, Sam's boyfriend was due to go on holiday. He had booked a taxi to the airport in advance, but on the day when he was ready and waiting to go, the car didn't arrive. Between herself and her boyfriend, they rang as many local cab companies as possible only to find they were all booked up. It was looking like he might miss his flight.

In a panic, Sam turned to Google to find a solution. Enter Cuvva. Sam was able to insure herself on her boyfriend's car to drive him to the airport. Because the Cuvva process is so quick and easy start to finish, she was able to get her boyfriend to the airport in time for his flight, saving the day.

That may have been the first time Sam used us, but it certainly wasn't the last! Sam loved Cuvva so much that she says it changed how she feels about driving. What's more, she decided she wanted to contribute toward the mission to change insurance for the better.

Anna's Wedding Day

Anna, our talented designer, first used Cuvva last year. Like Sam, she was a Cuvva customer before an employee. She had such a good experience that she too decided to join us on our mission.

Back in the summer of 2017, Anna was cued up for one of the most memorable days of her life - getting married. Like any good wedding story, not everything went to plan. In true Anna style, she hadn't thought about one of the most crucial elements of the day - how she was going to get from the church to the reception.

Neither Anna or her soon-to-be husband were insured on the car they had intended on using, and quickly realised what a faff it was to become named drivers on the owners' policy. Not only was the process lengthy, but it didn't make sense to pay a hefty fee for a week of insurance; the drive to the church was under 5 minutes, and they were going straight on their honeymoon the next day so only needed cover for a short amount of time.

Anna's husband found Cuvva on a Google search, and just like that, we came to the rescue. They also forgot to organise a dance floor for the inside of the tipi but sadly, we couldn't help them there.

Tell us your stories

These are just a few of the experiences we have had using Cuvva, but there are plenty more. We believe every policy tells a story and love finding out what that story is. If you have a good Cuvva story, we'd love to hear it 🎉

Team member